Come Explore the City!
With Open House Prague, you can explore the Czech capital and discover the city’s hidden architecture gems. We offer you an exclusive peek inside buildings that usually stay closed to the public.
The next edition of the Open House Prague festival, which opens the city for everyone free of charge, takes place May 12–18, 2025. Follow our Facebook event to get the latest updates or support the festival preparations! You can read about the 10th anniversary edition here. Besides the festival, we also organize year-round walking tours and building tours, such as the Great Strahov Stadium.

Watch the Trailer for Open House Prague 2025!

Explore Prague All Year Long!
Did you know that we organize events throughout the entire year where you can explore architecture in various districts of Prague? Although these events are primarily in Czech, selected events are also held in English. Occasionaly, we also organize tours with German or Russian commentary. See the current list of walking tours in our Events Calendar and join us!
You’re simply an amazing organization! You give people exceptional memories and connect them with Prague better than anyone else.
visitor feedback (2021)

Join us!
The festival is a community project organized by Open House Praha, z. ú, a non-profit organization, thanks to the support from a number of partners and individuals. The festival would never happen if it weren’t for hunders of volunteers who dedicate their time to us and help us open the city. Do you like what we do? Join us! Become a volunteer, donate, or become a member of the club of Architecture Lovers. You can also enroll your building in the festival program, subscribe to our newsletter, or buy our products in our online store. Your support motivates us and assures as that our work is meaningful. Thank you!

Open House Prague is the first Czech festival of its kind that has opened itself to people with visual disabilities and hearing disabilities while fully respecting their needs, putting emphasis on their safety and providing them with the full experience. Accessibility is about determination, not about financially demanding solutions or modifications. Andrea Šenkyříková, director of the festival, has simply decided to make Open House Prague for everybody, and she is acting on that decision. That is why people with hearing disabilities and visual disabilities can explore the beauties of Prague’s architecture. I am happy that Světluška can be a part of that.
Gabriela Drastichová
Světluška, a foundation managed by Český rozhlas (Czech Radio)
Exploring new buildings always brings a feeling of excitement and discovery. That is not the most important thing about Open House, though: the ability to enter buildings which have previously been just anonymous spots in the map for us and see them from the inside allows us to deepen our relationship with the city and become more connected to the place where we live.
Petr Hlaváček and Magdalena Hlaváčková
Architekti Headhand

Financial Support
Technological Partners
Partners of Programs for People with Disabilites
Media Partners
The 2024 Open House Prague festival takes place under the auspices of the following people:
Bohuslav Svoboda, primátor hl. m. Prahy
Petr Hlaváček, náměstek primátora hl. m. Prahy, radní pro oblast územního a strategického rozvoje
Jiří Pospíšil, náměstek primátora, radní hl. m. Prahy pro oblast kultury, cestovního ruchu, památkové péče, výstavnictví a péče o zvířata
Michal Hroza, radní hl. m. Prahy pro oblast infrastruktury
Matt Field, britský velvyslanec v České republice
Terezie Radoměřská, starostka MČ Praha 1
Ondřej Kubín, starosta MČ Praha 4